Category Archives: News

The future of Legaltech | Daniel Porus, Chief Commercial Officer, Legatics

In an era where technological advances are reshaping industries, the legal sector is no exception. The quickly advancing applications of Generative AI to the legal industry marks a significant leap forward. Law firms, in-house legal teams, incumbent legal technology providers …

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Having just raised £3m, Olly Robinson, CO-founder of Maison Sport discusses plans to become the largest seller of winter sports activities worldwide!

Skiing has been a passion of mine since my childhood, so turning this into a career was always a dream I had. My brother, Nick (Maison Sport CEO), and I both skied professionally for Great Britain and I have always …

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‘What do the acquisition of Semper, success of Kroo’s recent crowdfunding campaign and joining RetailBook demonstrate about the democratisation of access to private market investment? Matt Cooper,Co CEO of Crowdcube explains!

The lack of activity in the public markets over the past 18 months has led to more interest in the private markets from those incumbent public market players. Growth-stage companies have also had a tricky time navigating the frozen funding …

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How the AI revolution gives financial services the chance to work for the average person | George Dunning , Co-Founder and COO at Bud

From branch manager to robo-adviser: the rise of the ‘fintech’ ‘Fintech’ is part of almost everybody’s life, in one form or another, today. In my view, its driving force has always been: “How can technology make financial services work for …

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Suranga Chandratillake, Partner at Balderton | Q and A

What were your biggest learnings from your time at Blinkx and the 12 years spent in Silicon Valley? Blinkx was an incredible journey – but not without its challenges. Building a company is all-consuming and after more than a decade …

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Following a period in which Beyond Meat cut its workforce, Meatless Farms entered administration and Heck reduced its range of non meat products, Sakshi Chhabra Mittal explains why Foodhak is different!

Over the past decade, the food industry has seen a boom in vegan and plant-based brands in order to capture what has been regarded as ‘the future of food’. However, as quickly as this trend has started to rise, it …

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What have been the biggest challenges in your entrepreneurial journey and obstacles to business growth? We asked 7 leading entrepreneurs!

The current economic situation has been a major challenge for me as an entrepreneur. With the risk of recession looming, it has been difficult to navigate the business landscape and more challenging than before to raise investment. However, this difficult …

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Monik Pham, Partner at Pact VC | Q and A

What have been your biggest learnings in venture and as a Board observer at WeGift, Moteefe, and Deployed? As I’ve always been focusing on early stage, my biggest learning is that this is completely a people game. You can have …

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How AI could help unlock a more objective approach to mental health care | Gabrielle Powell, Co-Founder and COO at thymia

Artificial intelligence is constantly at the centre of widespread media scrutiny and debate, with consistent concerns about the potential for unethical usage and privacy and data infringements. However, whilst measures must be taken to mitigate these worries, we need to …

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‘If Wall Street’s optimistic predictions prove right, it won’t be long before the first fruits of the generative AI boom start to show up in tech companies’ earnings reports. The ultimate impact on the tech industry will take far longer to become clear’ (Richard Waters FT 28.07.23) We asked Sean Williams, founder and CEO of AutogenAI if he agreed?

I actually think the most interesting results will show up in the earnings of companies using generative AI rather than the tech companies selling it. For virtually all businesses, generative AI can provide a huge cost savings by automating mundane …

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