Category Archives: News

Tom Wesseldine, Partner at Verb Ventures | Q and A

1. ’Tech founders need to be treated like athletes to avoid burnout’ (FT 10.07.23),’Some tech investors are now realising that putting entrepreneurs under too much pressure can be bad for businesses well as the founders themselves…’ How do you balance the …

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Bridging the Gap: How Technology Reduces Friction and Increases Diagnostic Access for Better Health | Charlie Bullock, Co-Founder and CEO at

The United Kingdom’s public healthcare system faces significant pressure, with long waiting lists of seven million people making headlines. 1.5 million of these patients are waiting for diagnostic tests such as MRI and CT scans, and there is a side …

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Harnessing data to revolutionise SME finance | Jerome Le Luel, Founder and CEO at TRIVER

I have always liked cracking hard nuts, and disliked bad processes that could be done better. My latest venture TRIVER is going after one of the most complex and poorly addressed financial services need: small businesses’ cash flow management. This …

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Phil Hollingdale, Founder,Advisor and Investor in Multiple Tech Businesses | Q and A

What have you learnt from the funding of 6 tech startups and have your experiences impacted upon your investment strategy? / As per the ‘hare and tortoise’ fable is being first to market critical as a startup? My first three …

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The Faults in the UK House Market and Why Empowering Homeownership Has Never Been More Important | Graham McClelland, Chief Commercial Officer, Generation Home

The story of a ‘broken’ housing market in the UK is not new. The UK housing market has long been plagued by numerous challenges that make homeownership an increasingly distant dream for many.

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How technology is improving access and outcomes in social care | Sam Hussain, Founder and CEO at Log my care

Preventive care is the future of health and social care and a crucial part of equitable care. This means care does not differ in quality regardless of someone’s age, gender, geographical location, cultural background, ethnicity, religion or socioeconomic status. By …

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Why 2023 is the comeback year for UK fintech? | Yonder CEO Tim Chong

It’s fair to say consumer fintech has had a tough run of it recently. A sector which was once one of hottest investments in the market was hit by a wave of blows last year – from nose diving valuations …

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Hybrid Work: The New Norm We Can’t Afford To Fumble | Toby Hough, Director of People and Culture EMEA at HiBob

Hybrid work is the new buzzword in the workplace lexicon, and for good reason. There are plenty of perks to be had from this flexible working arrangement. Employees get to enjoy a better work-life balance, with less time spent commuting …

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In collaboration with FieldHouse BaseCamp; Pre-Series A Startups | Ariana Alexander-Sefre,Founder and Co-CEO of SPOKE

What is unusual about your company and the problem identified? At SPOKE we have worked out how to engage a young and diverse audience in mental well-being in a way that no other wellness product has been able to do. …

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Is CHATGPT and the future both awesome and terrifying?’ | David Balko, Chief Client Officer, Tribal Worldwide London

The future’s so bright I’ve gotta wear shades. It’s been often commented lately that ChatGPT and Bard and AI in general will render us all useless and redundant. Perhaps, in some dystopian future that might be true, but I’m sensing …

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